Friday, April 18, 2008

Seangil Chukahaeyo, Sophia!

The KBS World Radio English team celebrated Sophia's birthday last Friday with a lunch of "Shabeu Shabeu", essentially a pot of fresh seafood boiled alive at your table. I've eaten my share of seafood in this lifetime, but this was a special experience I'll never forget. I'm no animal rights activist, but watching my soon-to-be lunch writhe in a pot of boiling water right next to my glass of beer was an eye-opener. The event was complete with a chocolate cake, U.S. style, since my experience with Jessica's cake has made me a master finagler of American recipes in the land of morning calm.

Part of our crew just getting started with the Shabeu Shabeu

Sophia didn't want to wait for this guy to die

Sarah says, "Don't fight it, buddy!" pushing the crab into the boiling water as Chris watches in wonder

A great meal topped off with a delicious chocolate cake

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